
Daily Thought - 2024-04-23

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I've been talking about how to step through Caterpillar programs, forward and backward, undoing and redoing changes to their state. But so far, I've completely glossed over the topic of I/O. How would that interact with such a capability?

Graphics are typically re-rendered every frame, based on the current frame. So it wouldn't matter in that case. File I/O could work, if instructions/events carry enough information to rewind changes there too. With a log file, you could acknowledge the rewind by logging a message about it, then just continue from there.

What's not at all clear to me, is how to hook I/O into this whole system in the first place. It seems pretty straight-forward on the instruction level. But what about Event Sourcing? That's designed to explicitly not do any I/O when applying events. More to think about, for sure.

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