
Daily Thought - 2024-06-04

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I've been having some trouble with presenting Caterpillar concisely. (Because obviously, I have no trouble at all talking about it at length, day after day.) The main difficulty for me, is to find a balance between communicating what the project is about, without promising planned features that might never arrive.

I've updated the README file in the Caterpillar repository yesterday. It starts with the vision, clearly presents it as such, but otherwise makes no promises about things that don't already exist. Further down, I document the design decisions that are already implemented in the language.

I'm somewhat happy with how that ended up. It's a bit sparse on details, but I prefer that to fantasizing about things that will take me the next 20 years to implement. Over time, the design section will grow, as more things are implemented in the language.

I'd love to hear your feedback on that. Please let me know what you think!

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