
Daily Thought - 2024-06-07

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My top priority is to make Caterpillar useful, as quickly as practical. An essential part of that is to focus on only one platform. Supporting more would also be useful, but working on that before Caterpillar works well on a single one, would delay that point of initial usefulness. I don't want that.

If I'm going to limit myself to one platform, it has to be the browser. Web browsers are ubiquitous and make it easy to distribute software widely. Other platforms are certainly viable, but I don't think any offer a better ratio of potential reach to effort required.

Caterpillar has other problems that need addressing. Like performance and long feedback cycles (its current version is hosted in Rust, after all, which is a slow language to compile). But the solutions to either of those need to work in the context of the game running in the browser. Working on that first makes the most sense.

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