
Daily Thought - 2024-06-18

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It's unlikely that Caterpillar will ever become mainstream. I mean, that's an unrealistic expectation anyway. Very few languages are. But even if I put in all the required work, and had all the necessary luck, and it gained a thriving community; even if all those conditions were met, it probably still wouldn't happen.

I have too many wild ideas. Too many experimental features that I want to try. Add to that, that I'm not committing to backwards compatibility. I just don't think that millions of developers from all over the world will jump on the opportunity to work with a language like that.

And that's fine. Caterpillar doesn't need that many users to be successful. I would consider it a success if, at a minimum, it becomes a good tool that I want to use. Beyond that, I hope it can gain enough users and provide enough value, that I can fund its continued development.

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