
Daily Thought - 2024-08-03

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I've been talking about the advantages of a content-addressed code database. There are a few more, but for various reasons, I'll just quickly gloss over them.

A content-addressed code database enables better tooling. Tools like formatters or linters don't need to bring their own parsers. They can rely on the full power of the compiler, as the pre-compiled intermediate representation is available in the code database. I'm sure I'll have more to say about tooling in the future, so I won't speak on it any further here.

Unison offers built-in support for distributed programming and typed durable storage. Both are super-interesting, but they don't fit Caterpillar's current focus. Maybe one day! Finally, content-addressing is very useful to implement interactive programming, which is very relevant for Caterpillar. I'll surely go into that more deeply, as I re-implement it in the current version.

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