
Daily Thought - 2024-09-14

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I think eventually, I want to build a custom editor for Caterpillar. Maybe that's stupid and unrealistic. Even if I build one, it might just be an intermediate step towards full-featured support in existing IDEs.

But Caterpillar is definitely not a traditional language. And I want to go quite far with what the tooling provides to the developer. I think extending an existing IDE would be quite the pain. And especially while we still figure out what the tooling needs to be like, a custom editor might be a better vehicle for experimentation.

We'll see. For now, we have the debugger. The code it displays is already based on an intermediate representation from the compiler, which I've designed with a code database in mind. That's the starting point. Maybe it will be quite natural to slowly extend that with editing capability here or there, until it can take over as a primary driver during development.

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