Daily Thought - 2024-10-25
< back to listThe decision I'm currently considering, to switch to microcontroller firmware as the primary use case for Caterpillar, it's not a done deal. It does seem to make a lot of sense, but there's a part of me that isn't convinced yet. And that's fine. I like to sit with these kinds of decisions for a while, to make sure I'm not making an impulsive one.
Even though I rarely play games these days, and consider many of them a harmful waste of time, there's something that still grabs me about that world. Because games definitely have artistic merit. And there are those that have really resonated with me. That I have gotten more out of than I put in, in a sense.
I started doing game development in my teens and had ambitions, lasting into my early thirties, to make that my career. That ended in failure. Almost everything I worked on was too big to ever get finished. Maybe there's a part of me that doesn't want to let go of the past. That wants a chance to do it right this time.